The letter of staff of TVchannel NTN "to the president of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko, the prime minister of Ukraine Julia Timoshenko, the chairman of Verhovna Rada of Ukraine Vladimir Litvin" is published on the site of the TV channel.

The full text of the letter:

"The journalists of the TV channel NTN apply to you with worry and anxiety. To our enormous regret the worst fears concerning pressure on Mass-Media begin to come true.

Our TV channel began to broadcast on November, 1, 2004. It did not take part in political informative opposition, being engaged exceptionally in realization of constitutional right of citizens of Ukraine – the right to free access to objective information about events which take place in their country and in the world.

Therefore we have firm conviction, that pressure is put exceptionally due to independent position of the channel NTN and because of the fact that one of founders of the channel is a juridical person from Donetsk city.

The point is that the General Office of Public Prosecutor of Ukraine tries to limit legal possibilities of the channel NTN. On February, 9 the deputy of the General prosecutor of Ukraine T.Kornyakova sent an appeal to the Supreme economic court of Ukraine.

The General prosecution of Ukraine accuses LTD. TV Studio "Service of information" of allegedly causing harm to the state interests by not paying the fee for delivery of the new license.

However, we want to underline that this information has not been verified by the General prosecution and is contrary to fact, as LTD. TV Studio "Service of information" has paid at the State budget 2 162 254, 80 UAH for registration of changes in the license (receipt from 15.11.2004.).

Taking into account the aforesaid, it is possible to draw conclusion, that the General prosecution purposes only political aims, but not the object of observance of legality in Ukraine.

The Economic court, which conducted a session on March, 29 this year, did not give judgment for. Demonstrating an ordinary lead time of judicial trial, the court has postponed hearing of the case to April, 1.

We ask you to pay attention to happening events. Exactly the first actions of power, but not its proclaimed statements, make it clear what actually will happen with the state in the future.

Yours faithfully,
The staff of the TV channel NTN".

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