They planned to kidnap and put to death the journalist Oleg Eltsov in one day with George Gongadze, the PM Grigory Omelchenko declared in the interview to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda in Ukraine".

According to him, in 2000 former power began an active campaign against opposition Mass-Media: "Silsky visty", "Tovarishch", "Informacionny bulleten", Radio "Svoboda", "Zerkalo nedely", etc. "Actually, the period of total political censorship began. But it was not enough for them. They decided to intimidate opposition journalists, punishing a few of them in public", - Omelchenko declared.

According to him, many journalists were discharged, "others were forced to fall silent. Oleg Eltsov (helper of the deputy Anatoliy Ermak) and George Gongadze, who founded the site in May, 2000, had got into a final phase. It is hard to say why they chose them. But they appeared to be followed by special services from June. I will say more: they should had been kidnapped and killed in one day. But Eltsov was warned about it by his former friend, lieutenant colonel Igor Goncharov, which then died from beatings in an investigation insulator. Eltsov believed Goncharov and left for Russia, to his mother, having taken his little daughter".

As Omelchenko marked, it was the daughter who rescued Eltsov’s life. "They wanted to take him off a train. Police officials came into a compartment and appeared in confusion. What to do with a child? Therefore he left for Russia. And then Leonid Derkach, the head of Security Service of Ukraine contacted with a colleague, the chairman of FSS of Russia, and asked to turn Eltsov back somehow. But it came to nothing. But we did not protect George Gongadze", - Omelchenko said.

Grigory Omelchenko heads the temporal commission of Verhovna Rada of Ukraine charged with  investigation of murder of the journalist George Gongadze.

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