The former Ukrainian premier Pavel Lasarenko, being under investigation in the USA for six years, intends to give new Ukrainian power the "documentary proofs" of Kuchma’s implication in the most resonance crimes committed in Ukraine for the last years.

He is sure that Kuchma is related to the suicides of the known Ukrainian politicians. So, the former head of MIA Yurij Kravchenko passed away against his will. "It does not matter, whether it was a murder or a suicide", – said Lasarenko to "NG" by phone from San Francisco.
Lasarenko considers himself one of "some people" which "know about Kuchma’s actions not by hearsay", and declares that he is ready to tell about concrete schemes of destroying of disagreeable people, about sharing of "the tastiest pieces of the Ukrainian property" between Kuchma’s confidants, about secret bank accounts.

Pavel Lasarenko advises new Ukrainian power not to space out the investigation of "Kuchma case", because, according to him, the quantity of witnesses goes down. "Everybody, who knows Kuchma, understands perfectly, that he will stop at nothing. If it is needed to put away ten people more, he will do it,"- Pavel Lasarenko said.

Besides, he declares that he keeps feature about activity of the former president.

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