According to "Ukrainskaya Pravda", real cause of Zvarich retirement is events, happened in Department of Justice on February, 10.

Last Thursday PM Igor Eremeev (Litvin’s faction) arrived in the Ministry in absence of Zvarich. Appearing as Timoshenko’s adviser, he "brought" prime minister’s order to prepare the legal conclusion of ministry concerning planned order of Cabinet about prohibition of oil re-export. Eremeev practically dictated conclusion and even took away a copy, not even co-ordinating the actions with minister.

Igor Eremeev is a businessman, deputy, leader of faction of former agrarians, the man of Litvin. He is the owner of business-group "Continium", which controls 43% of oil-processing plant «Galichina».

Why was there a conflict and why need Eremeev to interfere into work of Department of Justice?

Answers to this question are in the opened letter of company "Oil Transit" addressed to Timoshenko, which was sent to "Ukrainskaya Pravda" editorial staff. 

The letter is about a method of plundering of budget through the arrangement of VAT return which the real participants of arrangement did not pay. In this case "Oil Transit" does not lose money, but appears in "shadow business".

One of company employees is minister’s wife. And for this reason Zvarich talked about "involvement his family members in corruption". The question is about a "hook", which minister can be held on.

Also head of custom service Kalensky, another "man of Litvin", appears in the letter. His "frank" lecture about the methods of contraband was appreciated by Julia Timoshenko on meeting of Cabinet.

Ex facte, situation looks banally. Cabinet makes decision which adversely affects minister’s wife and minister yields. But according to data from "Ukrainskaya Pravda", Zvarich leaves, because he waxes indignant over old principles of government work. He objects to the power "hand management" and to opened use of Department of Justice as a machine for legalization of any Cabinet’s decisions.

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